Harvest Church
Feed the Boro
Feed The Boro is a local grocery relief program for Murfreesboro and Rutherford County. Feed The Boro was born out of Harvest Church of Murfreesboro and is currently directed by Juliet Williams and Joeline McGregor. Feeding our community in need has been a passion of Harvest Church. This outreach has reached and helped many families in this community and continues to make a difference each day. During the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we prepare care packages to hand out to the homeless and needy. We hand out blankets, hats, gloves etc. during this time as we have available.
To support this outreach or get involved just email or click the Online Donations link. Please mention the gift is for “Feed The Boro”.
International Ministry Trips
We always have a wonderful time when we visit Johannesburg, South Africa! Join more than five thousand people in worship at the Tent Tabernacle in Johannesburg, South Africa, where Pastor Manuel’s brother, Bishop Owen McGregor is the senior pastor. We also go to the poverty-stricken areas and minister and feed the people living there. Pastor and his brothers return every October or December with a group to minister in South Africa.
Missionary Support
We are supporting missionaries in several countries. Hover over each flag to learn more!
South Africa
Archbishop Owen and Apostle Maggie McGregor
Pastors Kingsley and Promilla
Pray for our Missionaries in China
United States
Evang. George and Cecilia McGregor
Tanzania, Africa
Uganda, Africa
Please pray for our Missionaries in Uganda